Friday, August 22, 2008

Lighthouse2 Bible Sharing - 08/23/2008: Hebrews 2

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Our next Bible study gathering is this Saturday. This week we are meeting at a different location because Rae has a family gathering event at home this Saturday. Thanks to Huan for hosting this time.

Bible study: Hebrews Chapter 2
When: This Saturday Aug 23rd, 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Where: Huan's home
Parking: any uncovered parking (the covered parking are for residents) or parking space along the street

God bless,

Monday, August 18, 2008

SJCCC News - "From counselling to spiritual healing" Workshop, August 24, 2008

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

The Chinese Catholic Church in Fremont will sponsor a workshop in this coming Sunday, led by Professor Cheng Yu Yin for the subject of " From counselling to spiritual healing".

Date and Time: August 24, 2008, Sunday, 1:00pm to 3:30pm
Place: St. Joseph Catholic Church- Parish School, Room #7, 43148 Mission Blvd, Fremont CA 94539.

Please see the attached file for more detailed information.

In Christ,
Li-peng Chou

Date and Time: August 24, 2008, Sunday, 1:00pm to 3:30pm.

Place: St Joseph Catholic Church - Parish School, Room# 7. 43148 Mission Blvd, Fremont, CA, 94539

主講者: 鄭玉英教授

主題: 由心理諮商到心靈醫治

聯絡人: 王汝斌 (510) 656-9168


國立台灣師範大學心理輔導博士。輔仁大學社會工作系兼任教授,曾創辦反璞歸真心理工作室,現任懷仁全人發展中心主任。 專業: 婚姻輔導, 家庭重塑, 心理諮商, 心靈治療.

"在鄭教授學生的心目中,鄭教授不但教學認真,言談風趣幽默,舉手投足更充滿靈修人的幽雅氣質,很能引人入「聖」,上她的課,讓人體會真是如沐春風。而最讓人感到溫暖的是,她豐富的生命經驗及與上主的密契,不但使她將理論化成實際,且常現身說法,以身為例,走過人生悲歡離合,經歷病苦折磨,玉英老師的心靈柔和憐恤,分享的生命經驗?#92;為感人"。 - - 節錄自教友生活週刊

Peace in Christ


CCCSJ Servant Group

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Lighthouse 2 News - LH2 Yahoo Group

Our Yahoo group web address is:

Since Blogger doesn't have any file publishing feature, I've uploaded all the wonderful PowerPoint slides that Wang Huan shared with us in our Yahoo group.

Enjoy and God bless.

Monday, August 11, 2008

SJCCC News - Stewardship Workshop, Sept. 6, 2008


主 題 :划到深處、與主同工,建立基督奧體!
避靜神師 : 歐維禮神父
時 間 : Sept. 6, 2008
地 點 : Presentation Center ( Los Gatos) 19480 Bear Creek Rd., Los Gatos, CA 95033(408) 354-2346
9:00 - 9:30 報到
9:30 - 9:45 分組 注意事項
9:45 -10:30 第一次道理
10:45 -11:30 靜默祈禱
11:30 -12:30 第一次小組分享
12:30- 1:30 午餐 及 休息
1:30 - 2:30 第二次道理
2:45 - 3:30 靜默祈禱
3:30 - 4:30 第二次小組分享
4:40 - 5:40 彌撒
請向 同工小組負責人,或周麗鵬報名

費用: $ 35

Lighthouse2 Bible Sharing - 08/09/2008: Hebrews 1

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We will have a Bible sharing gathering at Rae'shouse from 7:30pm to 9:30pm this coming Saturday (Aug 9)

Here is the information.
Bible study: Hebrews Chapter 1
Location: Rae's house in San Jose, CA. 95129
Phone: 408-***-****

God bless,

Lighthouse2 New Leader

Dear All,

Starting this new quarter, Peter Hsiang will be our new LH2 leader. I want to take this opportunity to commend him for his courage. During this time, we have received several feedbacks from members on their thoughts about LH2 future and direction. These feedbacks are valuable to us and have helped us to discern our decision to persist and forward. I thank you all.

God bless,
