Friday, December 21, 2007

Lighthouse2 Christmas Celebration and Bible Sharing - 12/22/2007

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We have Christmas celebration and Bible sharing at Rae's house from 6:00pm to 9:30pm this coming Saturday (12/22).

Potluck style Christmas celebration (6:00pm-7:30pm):

- Bring a chinese dish (Western is welcome!)

- Follow by White Elephant. Bring $10~$15 gift (Host: Shamson)

Bible sharing (7:30pm-9:30pm):

Bible study: Wisdom 1

Location: Rae's house

Phone: 408-***-****

Lead: Rae


Christmas is about giving. While we are busy shopping for the best gift for our loved one, we want to remind ourselves of the best Gift our Father in heaven has given us.

God bless,


Sunday, December 09, 2007

12/16 (Sun) SJCCC 2007 聖誕晚會 5:00 pm - Christmas dinner party starts right after 3 pm Mass

時間: 12/16 (週日) ,5:00pm
地點: Parish Hall
  • 大人和10 歲以上青年 預先購票: $7 當日購票: $8
  • 4-10 歲小孩預先購票: $4 當日購票: $5
  • 4歲以下小孩免费

請於彌撒後在川廊購賣晚餐券, 12/9 最後預購機會。

*** 目前聖誕老人從缺,急徵義工,僅需出場30分鐘,拜託,拜託! ***

SJCCC 2007 Christmas Celebration

Time: 12/16 at 5:00pm
Place: Parish Hall

  • Adults and youth 10 yrs & up - $7, at the door: $8
  • 4-10 years old child - $4, at the door $5
  • kids below 4 are free.

Tickets are now on sale at the hall across the church. The last chance pre-sale day is 12/9.

*** So far no Santa Claus candidate, urgent request for volunteer, only 30-minute show up time. Please help. ***

I hope you enjoy the season of joy and may God bless you! Thanks!


Lighthouse 2 Christmas Party 2007

Dear all,

We’ll be having a Potluck Dinner and Bible Sharing on Saturday, December 22, 2007 at Aunty Rae’s house to celebrate Christ’s birthday. We’ll start with potluck dinner, gift exchange, and after that, a 2-hour bible sharing.

Here’s the preliminary detail:
Date: Saturday – December 22, 2007 (confirmed)
Time: 6pm to 10’ish pm (start time is confirmed)
Venue: Aunty Rae’s house (confirmed)
Dinner Theme: We’re looking to hear your suggestions whether you’d prefer Chinese or Western style dinner as the main dinner theme
Suggested gift value: $10 - $20 (each person needs to bring only one wrapped gift for exchange)
Bible Sharing information: To be announced by Nick

Please feel free to bring any family members, friends and relatives to join us. To help us coordinate, we’d like to get some idea on people count, and food each party will bring to prevent any conflicts.

We look forward to hearing your reply and to celebrating this wonderful Christmas with you!


Thursday, December 06, 2007

Lighthouse2 Bible Sharing - 12/08/2007: Galatians Chapter 6

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We will have a Bible study gathering at Rae's housefrom 7:30pm to 9:30pm this coming Saturday (12/08).

Here is the information.
Bible study: Galatians 6
Location: Rae's House
Phone: 408-***-****
Lead: Peter

We will wrap up the sharing of Galatians. InGalatians, Paul reminded us the Gift Jesus has givenus when he departed the physical world. WhileChristmas is around the corner, we want to remindourselves of the Gift our Father in heaven has givenus.

This Saturday is also a holy obligation day ofImmaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. Since wehave Bible sharing at 7:30pm, please plan for themorning or afternoon local church mass. The St. Josephchapel at the O'Connor hospital has a mass at noon.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the HolySpirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and evershall be, world without end. Amen.
